Winning Strategies To Rock
“The Change”

A no-nonsense course for today's forward-thinking woman with everything you need to know about navigating the maze of menopause without having to sift through endless books, articles or studies. Who has time for that?!

  • Do you often find yourself staring at the closet, feeling more 'meh' than marvellous, wondering when you lost touch with the sassy queen you used to be? 
  • Are you tired of the nightly wrestling match with your bed, constantly tossing and turning in an endless loop of worries and discomforts, only to wake up feeling like you've been run over by a bus (sadly you also look like it!)? 
  • Are you familiar with those sudden mood swings that fling you from snapping at your teenage daughter to secretly crying in the bathroom in a matter of minutes? It's like you're surfing on a wave of emotions, wondering when and where you'll crash. 
  • Ever felt like your periods are playing hide-and-seek because they're coming and going as they please, disappearing for months, only to hit back with a vengeance? How many pregnancy tests made you feel like an idiot because you thought those old eggs still had some juice in them? No worries, we've all been there! 

I hear you loud and clear!

I know how it feels when you’re seeing your youth fade away and ageing creeps up. No one warns you or gently prepares you for what is to come. Suddenly you’re in it!

I spent endless hours in waiting rooms and explaining my issues to various doctors. And guess what? NOT ONE noticed what was staring right at them: I was heading towards menopause!!!

All of my aches and pains were clear symptoms. There was nothing wrong with me. I didn't have a mysterious bone disease that required excessive x-rays (and five new pillows!). My skin wasn't dry like a desert due to eczema, and I didn't need sleeping pills to stop waking up during the night.

All these symptoms had one thing in common - they were caused by changing hormones.

As women, we're used to being brushed off, belittled or not taken seriously when it comes to health issues. Sadly, many doctors don't put two and two together when we come to them with clear menopause symptoms. They tell us that we're just getting old or worse, ask us to relax and get on with it!

Until now, menopause was a topic no one talked about. We didn’t learn about it at school, my mum never sat me down to tell me about her hormone patches and in most countries, medical doctors have minimal or no education on this crucial topic that is impacting EVERY woman in midlife.

Yes, I've been just as confused as you are,
feeling lost in the menopausal maze!

But... I was on a mission to figure out what was going on in my body. When I delved into the latest scientific studies, I was gobsmacked! Much of it contradicts the outdated information still circulating, and many of the old-school health tips we're still hearing from our doctors are obsolete.

There’s been a lot happening in the last 2-3 years! Studies revealed new insights and the landscape is radically evolving. Guidelines are constantly being updated but it’s a slow process which means there is still a great deal of misinformation online.  

What I discovered was eye-opening! 😳

Suddenly, it all fell into place, allowing me to be in exceptional shape for my age. By applying what I've learned about hormones, lifestyle, and wellbeing, I've managed to sidestep common menopausal pitfalls like hot flashes, poor sleep, weight gain, muscle loss, and a diminished sex life.

Talking to other women, I realised that I wasn’t the only one looking for answers and that there is a strong desire to talk about menopause.

This program is everything I wish I had ten years ago when the first changes happened, and I didn't know what to make of it. It offers a comprehensive overview of what to expect during this significant life transition and demystifies the why and how of the changes your body and mind undergo, presenting the best strategies for managing these shifts with ease and confidence. 

Use Code: JGTN12IE To Save €400 Before The Coupon Code Expires on Thursday at 9 PM WET London/Lisbon time zone!

Are you ready to show menopause who is boss?

Here's what we WON'T be doing on this enlightening journey towards feeling yourself again:

  • Relying on outdated facts and myths about menopause, instead you’ll be equipped with the latest, scientifically proven facts.
  • Pushing you towards taking hormones without fully understanding your unique situation. You'll be empowered to make an educated decision for your own journey.
  • Drowning you in endless hours of content. I'll keep it simple, sweet, and to the point.
  •  Lecturing or talking down to you. This is a conversation from one midlife queen to another, with nothing but love and understanding.
  • Leaving you to feel alone or like you’re going crazy. We're in this together as a community. Let's share experiences, support each other, and ace this transition! 

If you’re done tapping in the dark and soldering on, keep reading👇

Introducing The Menopause Playbook:
Winning Strategies To Rock “The Change”

This program reveals the SURPRISING discoveries of the last decade that transformed the medical landscape and approach to menopause COMPLETELY, finally giving our wellbeing centre stage.

  • If you've had enough of being treated as if you’re past your use-by date and are ready to live your life free of looking after everyone but yourself and in full bloom.
  •  If you want to understand what’s going on with your hormones at each stage of your journey, explained by someone with clarity and empathy who understands what you’re going through.
  • If you want to rock this new phase of life, equipped with practical tips and treatment options that are both scientifically sound and time-tested, so that you can take on anything and everything menopause throws your way! 

Then, I invite you to explore The Menopause Playbook.

Module 1: F*** Me, Is THIS Menopause? Your Guide to Navigating Menopause

  • Get ready for a mind-blowing journey into the mysteries of menopause and perimenopause! I’ll unravel the biological processes and science behind why you’re suddenly feeling as if an alien invaded your body, helping you decode the WHY behind all the changes and empowering you to own your transition like a pro!
  • Learn how perimenopause creates a sneaky onset of hormonal decline in your body that can cause more than just a few missed periods but an impressive list of around 70+ often surprising symptoms.  
  • Understand why even the slightest shift in hormones can cause disruption and unintended consequences like losing your train of thought mid-sentence or your anxiety spiralling out of control in the most inconvenient situations (like during a client pitch or when you’re sitting in traffic and are late for an appointment).   
  • Get friendly with three hormonal rock stars: oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone! Knowing their superpowers and how they work in your body will keep you one step ahead of their unpredictable shenanigans. Don’t let their crazy behaviour catch you off guard!  

Module 2: HELP! I Want To Feel Normal Again! Hormones, Remedies & Lifestyle Options

  • Get the latest intel on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), explaining the widespread fear around this topic and dishing out the freshest research and facts to help you make an informed decision on whether you’re in or out. Have all your questions answered on how Bioidentical Hormones compare with Synthetic Hormones, their risks and side effects.
  • Discover a treasure trove of lifestyle tweaks, alternative solutions and natural remedies, ensuring you’re equipped with an arsenal of options to avoid sweaty pyjamas and say "goodbye" to feeling like a dried-up prune despite slathering on layer upon layer of moisturiser.
  • Uncover diet and nutrition secrets that are so easy and obvious that you'll kick yourself for not trying them before. That daily porridge you thought was so healthy did you no favours.
  • Unlock the transformative power of exercise, learn how much is too much and the minimum to feel hormonally balanced, switched on and juicy like you used to in your 30s. 

Module 3: From Oooommm To Orgasm - Reigniting Your Sparkle

  • Learn how to ride those pesky mood swings that make your family hide from you, with techniques that effectively tame your meno rage and help you find your happy place amidst the daily chaos.
  • Dive into the art of navigating changes in libido and intimacy with strategies that will not just rekindle the spark in your relationship, but ignite a whole new flame. Say goodbye to feeling unsexy and making excuses and hello to feeling friskier than ever before! 

Use Code: JGTN12IE To Save €400 Before The Coupon Code Expires on Thursday at 9 PM (WET) London/Lisbon time zone!

Use Code: JGTN12IE To Save €400 Before The Coupon Code Expires on Thursday at 9 PM (WET) London/Lisbon time zone!

✨FREE BONUS #1: Exclusive 1:1 Kickstart Session✨

Starting a weight loss journey can be overwhelming, but not with me in your corner! This bonus 1:1 session is a game-changer. It will allow you to breeze through your initial setup, ensuring the program fits seamlessly into your life.

This personalised kick-off assures you know how to make the meal plan and workouts work for YOU, adapt recipes to your diet preferences, and get extra guidance for food shopping.

By the end of our call, you know exactly what to do to embark on this 8-week journey without overwhelm and with a clear personal plan on how to get started.

This is a €300 call normally and NOT sold publicly.

✨FREE BONUS #1: "How to adapt to Changing Hormones" Call✨ 

There's nothing worse than doing everything right and seeing your spare tyre getting bigger regardless. That's why this bonus "How to adapt to changing hormones" Call is there to create an approach unique to YOU.

If you find yourself struggling, this exclusive session serves as your personal problem-solver, helping you overcome any specific challenges menopause is throwing at you.

Together, we will discuss simple biohacks to tackle the most difficult symptoms you're facing and how you can adapt your lifestyle to not get floored by them.  

This is a €300 session normally and NOT sold publicly. 

✨FREE BONUS: "Weekly Accountability Check-In"✨

Consistency is key to lasting change. That's why this bonus gives you exclusive access to a private WhatsApp Accountability Group. Each week, you can share your focus, goals, and what you want to be held accountable for.

This group is your personal support network, with me, Kristina, overseeing and offering additional support to ensure you meet your goals.

By the end of this experience, you'll have learned the importance of regular check-ins, and how to use accountability as a tool for success. Plus, you'll have forged connections with like-minded individuals sharing the same journey.

This is a €500 value and NOT sold publicly 

Wondering If This Program Will Work for You?

  • This program is for you if you are a woman in midlife who doesn’t want to be dragged through menopause as a helpless passenger. You want to be in the driver’s seat of your midlife body knowing EXACTLY where you’re going, which turns to take and what bumps to watch out for making this trip as pleasant as possible. 
  • ️You had enough of running out of arguments when doctors are talking down to you and want to be equipped with all the facts to confidently ask the right questions so you can take charge of your hormonal health! No more nodding along and feeling lost. 
  • ️You’re experiencing the classic signs of menopause and want an unbiased source to give you the lowdown on all treatment options, from hormones to herbal supplements.  
  • ️You’re committed to investing in your health and keeping your body in tip-top shape, knowing that your journey is only just beginning and your best years are yet to come. 

This Program is NOT for You If...

  • You're not ready to invest in yourself and your health. This program is designed for women who are committed to helping their body and mind perform at its optimum level as they gracefully age. 
  • You’re not ready to put your health at the top of your priority list so that you can feel better now and live longer in the future. This program is designed for women ready to overcome challenges and stay focused on their goals, and who are open to trying new health approaches with supportive guidance. 
  • You're looking for a magic pill you can pop to look and feel young again. Whoever offers you that is lying! This program lays out all options to HELP your body thrive through menopause the easiest way possible. 

Use Code: JGTN12IE To Save €400 Before The Coupon Code Expires on Thursday at 9 PM (WET) London/Lisbon time zone!


The course is entirely self-paced! You can dive in at your own rhythm, whether that’s a little bit each day or whenever you find the time. You’ll have lifetime access to the material, so you can revisit it whenever you need.

The Menopause Playbook covers everything from HRT to lifestyle tweaks, nutrition, natural remedies, and holistic alternatives. It’s all about giving you the full picture so you can make informed decisions that work best for your body and lifestyle.

I get it—life is hectic! That’s why The Menopause Playbook is designed to fit into your schedule, no matter how busy you are. You can work through it at your own pace, and even small changes can make a big difference. Plus, the strategies and tips I share are practical and easy to implement in your day-to-day life without feeling overwhelming.

From time to time, we offer bonuses (often in the form of 1:1 support) during official launch weeks. These bonuses will be automatically included with your purchase if made within the specified launch time period. Please note that bonuses are exclusively available to customers who make full payment by the cart close date. For further details, kindly refer to the emails we have sent you.

Absolutely! The Menopause Playbook covers every stage of the journey—from perimenopause through post-menopause. You’ll learn how to manage ongoing symptoms, protect your long-term health, and continue living vibrantly at any stage of menopause.